America’s leading magazine for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS—is pleased to announce POZ is now available in an online digital format. Launched in 1994, POZ is now available online exactly as it appears in print.

Using the leading digital publishing platform Issuu, the entire 2010 library of POZ magazine is now available on Creating an exceptional reading experience, the vibrant pages of POZ are now accessible to an expanded global audience.

POZ is an award-winning print and online brand offering unparalleled editorial excellence identified by our readers as their most trusted sources of information about the disease. We are one step closer to our goal of making this content available in every format needed by the HIV/AIDS community,” said POZ editor-in-chief Regan Hofmann.

Offering daily news, treatment updates, personal profiles, investigative features, videos, blogs and an extensive online social network that includes POZ Personals (110,000 members and counting); community forums (that are moderated and active 24/7); and a private, peer-to-peer mentoring program, addresses the wide spectrum of needs of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

POZ magazine and are part of the Smart + Strong family. Smart + Strong also operates several other health-oriented publications and websites including: Real Health (a print and online guide to African-American wellness), Tu Salud (a print and online guide to Latino wellness), Healthy Mind (a website devoted to mental health) and AIDSmeds (a website devoted to the treatment of HIV). For more information about Smart + Strong please visit